Feasts and Holy Days

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8 Modules

Passover / Pesach

Passover is the first of the commanded feasts or appointments with God. It commemorates the deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. And it is observed in the spring of each year during the month of Nisan.

Counting the Omer

"The omer is an ancient Israelite unit of dry measure used in the era of the Temple in Jerusalem. It is used in the Bible as an ancient unit of volume for grains and dry commodities...." - Wikipedia

Shavuot & Pentecost

Shavuot (Weeks) is associated with Counting the Omer and the wheat harvest in Israel.

Pentecost is the 50th day, or the day after 7 weeks have completed.

Purim - The Festival of Lots

Purim is the last festival before the Passover observance. Like Passover, it commemorates a miraculous deliverance of the Jewish people.

Modules for this product 8
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